Everyday Visions

Hey, all! Thought I’d write a quick post just to assure you all that I’m still kicking, even though my recent misadventures in quilting have not yet been rectified. Anyway, I saw this the other morning, and I had to pull off to the side of the road and shoot it. With my phone. ::roll eyes::  Yeah, I just bought this great “real” camera and several lenses. But did I have it with me? No. ::sigh::

Foggy Meadow
Foggy Meadow

I don’t see this very often, and it didn’t turn out bad at all. The sky leaves something to be desired, as it didn’t come out as colorful as it was that morning. But still…  Not bad for a phone, right?

I hope to be able to show a lot more photography in the near future. I expect that most of my near future work will prove that I’m still learning, but I hope that will change as I get more practice. And learn to use my equipment. Gotta love technology!

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