Day 53: Trash to Treasure

Today’s post is about recycling. The images used to make this ‘scope were not turning out the way I’d hoped. So, I made them into something else!

I started out just messing around, working with several different images, hoping to find something cool. What I was getting was fairly uninspiring. So, I thought, why not try to make a background, just to change things up a little? But still, I wasn’t happy with the results that I was getting. Here’s an example:

Day 53: Background
Day 53: Background

I suppose this might work for some sort of image, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I mean, I like the colors and textures, but it just wasn’t working for me. So I ‘scoped it, and found this:

Day 53: Treasure
Day 53: Treasure

Well, that’s what I found after I got done playing with layers and blend modes. I love the deep earthy tones in this one. It just looks so rich to me. Click on it to enlarge, and check out all the little figures hidden there.

Well, that’s it for tonight. Back tomorrow with more creativity!


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