Day 56: Ancient Dreams

This one surprised me, both with its simplicity of concept and its ornate patterns.

I was feeling too tired to work on the sewing project after work and dinner tonight, so I sat down at the computer trying to come up with a concept for tonight’s project. I looked at my wallpaper – a Grand Julian fractal I made last year – and thought “I wonder what that would look like as a ‘scope.” So I gave it a try.

It took me a couple minutes to find my few Grand Julian fractals, which I had buried in a folder a while back. Then I had to add a black background to it, since the original was a transparent .png file, and looked grayish and washed out in the ‘scope.

Finally got it loaded in ScopeWorks, and found this hiding in it:

Day 56: Ancient Dreams
Day 56: Ancient Dreams

Love all the lush detail in there! It reminded me of ancient Indian or Persian tapestries or rugs. Hence the title.


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