Day 356: Nine Days and Counting

So, I’ve been offline more than on for the past couple of weeks. Turns out we are in the middle of a modem failure. Well, a semi-failure, anyway. The modem part still works, but the wireless part is kaput. But that hasn’t kept me from creating, just posting. Let’s see what I’ve been up to lately…

Ah, yes. On Day 344, I made these:

Day 344: Spherical (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Spherical (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Grand Julian, Holiday Style (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Grand Julian, Holiday Style (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Julian Disc (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Julian Disc (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Plastic (fractal, Apophysis)
Day 344: Plastic (fractal, Apophysis)

These were all made with Apophysis 7X, using available scripts. The first three I was able to tweak the fractals to make them my own. The last one is , unfortunately, pretty much “out of the box” so to speak. I had a very difficult time getting good results by changing much of anything. Still, I did manage to change the colors, so that’s something, right?

Also, we had more snow:

Day 342: Snowfall
Day 342: Snowfall
Day 342: More Snow
Day 342: More Snow

Oh, I also got to spend about 2.5 hours talking to one of my favorite bloggers, The Bitchy Stitcher herself, Megan Dougherty, and a couple of her friends! We had such a great time! I made this as a gift for her, and she told me that she liked it:

Day 349: Pincushion
Day 349: Pincushion
Day 349: Pincushion
Day 349: Pincushion
Day 349: Pincushion
Day 349: Pincushion

I realize it isn’t fancy or super-cute, but I thought it was cheerful in a holiday sort of way, and she said she liked it, so I guess I did ok. Also, the three of us who met up with her each got a goody bag:

Day 349: Goody Bag
Day 349: Goody Bag

She’s the bestest! There’s also a copy of her latest book in there, Quilting Isn’t Funny, which is available for purchase.

And I made some things which I can’t show you just yet because they are supposed to be presents. But once the recipients get them, I’ll post photos. (Yes, I know I’m a tease.)

There are only 9 days left in this project, but it’s not over yet. I’m taking a few days off work, so I might even get something done later this week.

What’s that? Christmas is this week? Yes, I know that. Why can’t I create something on Christmas? The kids will be too busy watching videos, and the Spousal Unit will be sleeping most of the day (he has to work Christmas night), so of course I’ll have time to make stuff. But I’ll likely spend much of tomorrow and Tuesday wrapping presents. Oy. Hmm… Maybe I should go get started on that tonight, while everyone else is asleep.

If I don’t see you all before then, Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Season’s Greetings! And may you be blessed today and every day!

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