Day 365: Saying Goodbye to 2013

There’s something bittersweet about the end of a year, and in this case, a project. On the one hand, it’s interesting to look back and see the progress made. On the other hand, it’s a little like saying goodbye to a close friend.

When I started this project just about a year ago, I had hoped to boost my creativity a little. I amazed myself right away:

  • January: 34 posts
  • February: 28 posts
  • March: 28 posts
  • April: 32 posts
  • May: 25 posts
  • June: 12 posts
  • July: 18 posts
  • August: 8 posts
  • September: 3 posts
  • October: 9 posts
  • November: 5 posts
  • December: 8 posts (including this one)

The first half of the year seems to have been more “creative” than the second half, but maybe I just had more time or energy back then. I will say that work tends to take more of my energy some days than other days.

Some things I have learned this past year:

  • Creativity begets creativity. The more I create, the more I create. And the more I want to create.
  • Being creative puts me into “the zone”. Time means nothing. I often work all day or late into the evening without realizing how late it is.
  • Watching TV, movies or other videos sap my creative energy. I feel more drained from 2 hours of TV than I do from 4 hours of creative pursuits.
  • It’s easier to create on the computer when I turn off my email and browser. And phone. Distractions do more than distract; they can derail my creativity altogether.
  • It’s easy to write. It’s more difficult to write well.
  • I made more projects than I posted this year. If I were to do it over again, I might “pre-post” projects, make things ahead of time, and post each one separately, then schedule the posting for some future date.
  • I’m not sure I could blog full-time. But if it were my livelihood, I’m sure I’d find a way (see the previous point). Sustained daily posting is not easy. Sustained daily creating is even more difficult.
  • Spending time creating keeps my butt in the chair. That’s not the healthiest choice. Trying to figure out how to fix that without giving up creative time.
  • I like to change things up. I don’t stick with one art form for very long. In case you hadn’t noticed.
  • It’s difficult to create on a schedule. Creativity is, by nature, a free-flowing activity that comes and goes in its own time. It’s difficult to force creativity, but it is possible.
  • I prefer making computer-generated art to hand-drawn work, primarily because it is easier for me. I need to get back to basics, and practice drawing by hand more.
  • Zentangles are extremely portable and easy to make. But I find myself resisting to make them, afraid I will “mess up”. I will need to work on this tendency to fear “failure”. I will have to create anyway even though I’m not skilled enough to make what I see in my mind, so that someday I can be skilled enough to do so.
  • There were times when I felt I had to “force” myself to go to the computer and make something. But once I got there and made one thing, I often wanted to continue creating art. And I often did.
  • I’d love to have a “creative buddy”, someone to have over and sit around making stuff, or teach each other new techniques. Or a whole group of makers nearby. Ideally, I’d love to have a dedicated workspace that is climate controlled, clean and comfortable, with a wide variety of equipment and materials for creating. Someday.
  • I’d love for my family to understand me and my need to create better. But it’s up to me to educate them, or at least help them to understand a bit better.

And so, it’s time to say goodbye to 2013, and hello to 2014. May your New Year be bright, prosperous, and filled with love and joy! Enjoy the festivities, and stay safe tonight and throughout the new year!

muse Written by: