Day 20: Digital Quilt

So, anybody who knows me knows how much I love quilting. But I don’t love quilting in a freezing cold space, like my garage (where my studio is), and I don’t enjoy sewing circular patches. Well, I found a solution to both problems.

Behold my digital quilt!

Day 20: Digital Quilt
Day 20: Digital Quilt

I was liking how it was turning out, until I tweaked just a little bit more. Then I LOVED it! That was when I knew it was done. It took about 40 or 50 layers all together, before I was able to merge most of them into just a few layers.

This is fun enough to do more in the future. But they won’t likely be this complicated, at least not on days when I have to work. Then again, I’ve seen some pretty complicated quilt patterns out there. But given my self-imposed restrictions (do it in whatever time frame I have before midnight), I’ll probably keep it on the simple side. This one took about 3 hours.

Edit: And for those who want just the background, here ya go…

Day 20: Background
Day 20: Background
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