Day 40: Bacon!

I mentioned in a previous post that the image was not bacon. This time, I decided to go ahead and use a photo of bacon, just for those of you who love it in all its forms and flavors.

As it happened, Spousal Unit fixed bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast this morning, so I had the perfect opportunity to get a photo of some crisp bacon to make some ‘scopes for today’s post. Like this one:

Day 40: Compass Bacon
Day 40: Compass Bacon

Isn’t that the yummiest looking compass rose you ever saw? OK, I admit, I tweaked the layers and colors and such. Trust me, it needed it.

So, the same photo yielded these two bonus ‘scopes:

Day 40: Bacon, Eggs and Toast
Day 40: Bacon, Eggs and Toast
Day 40: Bacon and Eggs
Day 40: Bacon and Eggs

These were fun to make, simply because of the theme.

Besides these three, I made 35 other ‘scopes. But after spending 3.5 hours (and over $130) at the hair salon, I simply didn’t have enough time to tweak all the ‘scopes I made. The good news is that I now have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 ‘scopes or more that I can use to make fun images like these. And for you Steampunk fans, I have lots more “geared” to you, as well! 😉

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