Day 144: The Book Can Wait

I just realized yesterday that Balticon is this weekend. So, tonight I’m trying to decide on what to wear to spend part of the day tomorrow at my first con in nearly 30 years. Which means that today’s project is designing tomorrow’s costume.

I don’t want anything too elaborate, but also not too casual. I’m thinking either something “Browncoat”-like or maybe a bit Steampunkish.

Since Spousal Unit is working tonight, he won’t be going with me tomorrow (he’ll have to work tomorrow night, too, so he needs to sleep during the day). I’d love to bring the kids, but they don’t seem too interested. Maybe I’ll drag them along anyway. Then again, after checking the registration prices, maybe I won’t. Still, it would be fun if they discovered conning, and decided that they love it.

Anyway, I’ll try to get photos while I’m there (assuming I actually make it there), and try to post them tomorrow night or Sunday.

Now, where are all those corsets…?

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