Day 210: Another Low-Energy Day

I spent yet another day (or at least part of it) using my creativity to try to beat this database for work into submission, with mixed results.

The project for work is moving along in the right direction, but more slowly than I had wanted. No matter. It will get done when it’s done.

I now have a lovely green/yellow bruise on my left forearm where that heavy box fell on me on Saturday. Good thing it will heal quickly.

Spent this evening having dinner with my parents here at my house. Spousal Unit grilled burgers, hot dogs and sausages, and everyone really enjoyed the meal and company.

Oh, and here is a quick little thing for you:

Day 210: Silk Doodle
Day 210: Silk Doodle

I guess I stayed up much too late last night, because I am really tired today. I guess 7 hours isn’t enough sleep anymore… Well, to be honest, I guess it never was enough.

Well, that’s about it for now. I think I’ll put a load of laundry in the washer, and call it a night. I’m such a party animal… :-/

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