Musings for the New Year

Well, hello there! I’ve been taking a little break for the past few weeks (at least here on the blog), trying to figure out my next project. I have several book ideas (and more than one draft in progress), and the art/craft stuff has been on hold. Also, like many Americans, I’ve decided to improve my fitness. While “making the decision” to make a change is easy, the follow-through is not always so.

So, this decision was less a “New Year’s Resolution” than it was a simple decision to get healthier. The timing was purely coincidental.

I joined my local Gold’s Gym, signed up with a trainer, and have made it to the gym every day for 16 days now. Most days I just walk on the treadmill, but when I have a training appointment, I do more of a circuit program (which varies a bit each appointment). I also signed up for a 12-week Challenge, which offers prizes for the ones who make the most improvement in fitness. This doesn’t mean pure weight loss, but that will be part of it. So, that will be one project this year.

I still want to make art, so I’ll be doing some of that, too, and posting the results. Once the weather warms up, I suppose I’ll be doing more sewing, but I also want to do more drawing. Lots of ideas bouncing around; just have to catch one and sit down with it until something lands on paper. Or pixels.

The past week was taken over by Jack Frost and Old Man Winter. We’ve had quite a lot of snow, wind and cold temperatures due to that drunken Arctic Vortex. Because of the weather, I decided to stay home on Tuesday, rather than risk not being able to get home safely after work. Turns out it was a good decision. There is still a lot of snow around, though most of the streets have been thoroughly salted so not much snow or ice on the actual road surface. I’m pretty surprised that the kids don’t go outside and make snowmen, but I guess this is part of what happens when you give teenagers computers and cell phones.

Anyway, I’m having trouble finding much of interest to write about this week, so maybe something will come up this coming week. Take care, all, and stay warm!

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