Tag: background

September 1, 2014 / / Digital Art
December 31, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

As I promised yesterday, here’s a quick little tutorial on how to make a cool digital background for posters, notecards, paintings, or whatever you’d like. I’m going to assume you have a working knowledge (and access to) your favorite image manipulation software. If you need something free, you can download GIMP. However this is not a “how to use your software” tutorial, so you’ll need some practice with it before you start using this tut.

August 6, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

I decided that today’s doodle will make awesome wallpaper for a widescreen monitor. If you agree, feel free to grab this low-res version, or send a note to request a hi-res version.

August 4, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 22, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 20, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 19, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Yes, it’s another background from my “Back to Basics” series. I hope to be back online tomorrow to bring you some new work. Maybe it won’t be a background. Then again, maybe it will…

April 18, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 17, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 16, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity