Day 138: Inspiration Strikes and Book News

I am constantly amazed at the times, places and circumstances during which my Muse decides to thwack me over the head with her inspirations.

Today’s inspiration first arrived around 5:45 this morning. I figured out a way to work out part of my current mystery project while I was trying to go back to sleep after the dogs woke me up to go out. Later in the day, I went shopping and found several awesome books related to my project, filled with lots of great ideas I can incorporate into my project design. On the way home, I thought of yet another way to solve a design problem. After I got home, I discovered that one of my new books had directions for the exact item I had been designing since yesterday, but easier than what I had been considering. Then, while sitting here typing this, I thought of yet another solution to one of my design problems. Wonder what I’ll come up with tomorrow?

So, I’m still not giving out any details of my project, but I’ve pretty much decided that the actual project will primarily be a full-color book of instructions (with photos) for making the project items I’ll be designing and prototyping in the near future. I might go ahead and make a few pieces and sets to sell, as well.

In other news, I received my final paperback proof today of my second book, “100 More Ways to Boost Your Creativity”. I hit the “publish” button tonight, and hope to get a notice that it has gone live in the very near future. As soon as that happens, I’ll post a link here. Meanwhile, it is available in paperback at It is also available as an ebook in all the popular formats at Smashwords. If you get a copy, I’d love some feedback on it.

What? You want to see the new cover? Well, why didn’t you say so?

New Book Cover
New Book Cover

I decided to make “themed” covers for these little guides. So each will have its own color scheme, while using a similar design. At least it makes the cover design part a bit easier. 🙂

(P.S. I just realized that this picture of it makes it look like a Slytherin House production. But that “white” area is not white. It’s light green.)

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