Ice Storms and Sewing

I managed to finish that baby quilt last night, and I must say, I think it’s really cute! Although, even I must admit that these are probably the ugliest feathers every stitched.

So, here is the quilt that will be given to the new baby this weekend:

Completed Quilt
Completed “Criss-Cross Rainbow Sauce” Quilt

Yeah, that lighting still isn’t great, because it’s so uneven. For the record, that top and bottom strip are the same color and shade, more or less.

Yes, I still see lots of flaws with the finished product, but overall, I think it’s perfect for a little girl who has just recently joined the planet. I hope her parents and grandparents agree!

Last night we had yet another ice storm. The freezing rain caused a thick coating of ice all over the place, including my driveway, which made even the thought of going to work dangerous. So, I opted to stay home yet again, and managed to get some interesting photos without going outside:

From my back door
From my back door
Chair and table
Chair and table
Two chairs
Two chairs

In that first one, you might just be able to tell that there is a tree laying down over that grass bank. It was standing yesterday. The ice is causing lots of branches and trees to fall, and that seems to be causing much damage around here. Luckily, we live in a community with buried utility wires, so we haven’t had any issues with power or internet. But there are other areas that aren’t so lucky. Even my gym announced that they are open, and have working showers for members to use if needed.

I’m hoping the weather warms up soon, and we can put this icy weather behind us. I really need to get back to work, and catch up on all my pending email and taskings. And the gym. I really, REALLY need to get back to the gym.

On the fitness front, I’ve just met my first goal today! I’m adjusting my goals 5 kg at a time, and the first set of 5 is done! Now to make more progress on that front, starting tonight. I have an appointment with my trainer tomorrow evening, and I just know he’s going to kick my butt. But it will be so worth it in 9 weeks when I’m more fit than I have been in years.

That’s about it for now. Time to go find something to eat.

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