OK, I admit it: I really don’t know what I’m doing. Most of my fractal images either happen based on some really smart person’s easy-to-follow tutorial, or completely by accident. While the below images are based on a tutorial I found, I was entirely unable to create a decent render of the image, no matter what settings I tried. I spent about a week trying to get this to render well enough to do something with the final image, but no joy. So, in complete and utter frustration, I decided to copy the screenshots of the below attempts. The “pre-render” images actually looked pretty good. The rendered versions, not so much.
I had to maximize the render preview screen to get these to a decent size. But in order to save you all precious bandwidth, I resized these back down to a smaller size, just so you could get an idea of what they should have looked like once rendered. If you click on the images, you’ll get a larger version. So, without further ado…

I really loved the shape of the petals, and the way they spiraled. I just wish I could have gotten Apophysis to render them better. I had such plans…
Ah, well. Moving on… I guess it’s time to let go of this render and try something new.
* This render was based on the tutorial found at http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/fractal-art-how-to-create-basic-fractal-flowers-in-apophysis–cms-22591. If you try it, and can get the image to render properly, let me know what you did differently.