Day 12: Aurora Paints the Sky

Hey all! Yep, I managed another piece of art today. This one includes a piece of clip art on top of the background.

I love the way the colors and luminosities blend on this one. But I’ll show you both versions, with and without the clip art. First, the finished piece:

Aurora Paints the Sky
Aurora Paints the Sky

And now, for just the background:

Background image
Background image

But wait! There’s more!

Get a load of this background:

Aurora 2
Aurora 2

Sure, it’s a bit overwhelming as a background. But just look at those colors! And I love how the texture shows through even more than the first one. So, maybe this isn’t really a background at all. Maybe this is actually a piece of digital art that stands by itself. Cool…

Hey, can I change it up again? Let’s see… (I’m actually changing the file while I’m creating this post. Isn’t that cool?)

Hmmm… How about this one?

Aurora 3
Aurora 3

This is also pretty dramatic, wouldn’t you say? It almost looks like a cave opening, with a shimmering veil of magick at the entrance. Now, what else can I do to this?

OK, well this one is interesting, too, because it also shows the underlying texture.

Aurora 4
Aurora 4

This uses pretty much the same colors as the top version, but the texture gives it an extra wow factor, I think.

Let’s see… What else can I do to it?

Oooooh… Here’s something interesting:


Aurora 5
Aurora 5

Hmm… Maybe I can do something else like that, with a different color…

Why, yes! Yes, I can!

Aurora 6
Aurora 6

Wow! 7 (edit: 8) pieces of art in a little over an hour! And trust me when I tell you, there’s more where that came from! I bet most of these would work as backgrounds if I could adjust the color intensity way down, so they had more subtle variations in color and tone. But personally, I like the excitement of the pieces. And most of them would work fine turned 90 degrees one way or the other. Look, I’ll prove it:

Aurora Paints the Sky 2
Aurora Paints the Sky 2

I’m really glad I have managed to keep up this creativity spurt! It’s great to be creating something every day, even if it’s not very impressive to anyone else. But such is an artist’s life. Ah, well. I might be very unhappy if it was all about having a fan club. Lucky for me my art is whatever strikes my fancy, and not my paycheck. It’s about time for bed now. Good night!

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