Day 27: Fire Goddess

Well, it’s not quite Imbolc yet, but when this appeared, I had to go with it.

Day 27: Fire Goddess
Day 27: Fire Goddess

What do you see? I see a seated goddess, with her knees apart, ankles crossed and her hands clasped between her legs. See that crystal above her head? That’s how I knew she was a goddess.

I love the fiery watercolor feel of this image. It evokes lots of emotion and paradoxes for me. I mean “fire” and “watercolor” are two words you don’t often see used together, am I right?

I spent about 5 hours with my Dad today, helping him set up The Gimp, then trying to teach him how to make kaleidoscope images. It is possible with The Gimp, but not quite as easy as using PhotoShop. Lots more manual manipulation, not enough automation. Too bad I don’t have a spare $500 to buy him the latest version of PS. It would make things so much easier for him. But then again, there are programs out there that will turn your photo into a kaleidoscope, and they don’t cost very much. Perhaps I’ll look into that as an option…

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this post. I have re-opened registration on my blog, so feel free to register and comment here.

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