Day 117: My Snarky Muse

I think it’s hysterical the way my Muse chooses to incite my creativity.
Last night, as I was climbing into bed and thinking it was time for sleep, my Muse started tapping at my brain, and giving me ideas. Like, OMG! ideas! Like, “Why didn’t I think of this before?!” ideas. Things that seemed so obvious, I really should have thought of them before. She even came up with the name of the website I needed to accomplish the task. Eventually.

What was the idea, you ask? Fabric design. Specifically, a series of coordinating fabrics for quilting projects. I just set up a account, and you will soon be able to find some of my fabric designs there. As soon as I can figure out how to make and upload, then order fabric, of course.

Silly Muse! She gets me all excited about these ideas, but has no idea what it takes to bring them to reality. Luckily enough, I am pretty smart, and I’m sure I’ll be able to figure this out fairly quickly. Ah, yes. They have instructions. Good.

Of course, it took me nearly an hour to get to sleep after I crawled into bed, due to the barrage of ideas. Luckily, it only took me a couple of minutes this morning to remember them (which I didn’t bother to write down, since it would have meant getting back out of bed to find my notebook and a pen, and turning on a light, which likely would have awakened all the dogs and my Spousal Unit). I really need to put a journal next to my bed. Again.

Guess I’d better get started on those designs. I will likely post one or more (or at least parts of) designs later in the day. Assuming, that is, that I can actually come up with something worth printing…

UPDATE: 3:36 p.m., and still working. So far I have 14 candidate designs. I think I will have to decrease the resolution on some of them, since they won’t tile sideways very well. Still, pretty good selection so far!

UPDATE 2: 8:50 p.m. – Now up to 29 separate designs, and busy tweaking one of them so it tiles properly. Might give up on that tonight, and move on to a few that shouldn’t have any problems in that department.

UPDATE 3: 9:41 p.m. – Finding it difficult to stop uploading fabric designs. Must. Resist. (Maybe if I post one or two small thumbnails Muse will let me go to bed?)

Day 117: Stars 1 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 1 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 2 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 2 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 3 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 3 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 4 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 4 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 5 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 5 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 6 Fabric Design
Day 117: Stars 6 Fabric Design

Well, maybe that’s done the trick, and I can go to bed now. This is taking a bit longer than I’d expected, but that’s a good thing, because it took me a while to get the designs set up and online at I’ll post links to the fabrics there soon!

muse Written by: