Day 271: Not Perfect, But Good Enough

Well, the past 30 days have flown by, largely due to the fact that I started a new job and it’s kicking my butt. I’ve had very little creative energy left at the end of most days. But, finally, I have something fun to show you all.

I finally finished WomanChild’s birthday quilt, and only 9 days late!

Day 271: The birthday Quilt
Day 271: The birthday Quilt


Here’s a shot of the back:

Day 271: Quilt Back
Day 271: Quilt Back

Hmm. From this shot, the colors look a bit too subtle. Trust me, They are a vibrant green, yellow and blue, and match the front amazingly well. Here’s a detail of the back:

Day 271: Back Detail
Day 271: Back Detail

Every quilt I make is a learning process. These larger quilts have been far more challenging just because of their sheer size. It’s difficult to wrestle such a large, bulky and heavy piece of cloth around a small regular sewing machine. Also, as much as I tried to smoothe out the backing fabric before pin-basting, I managed to sew in several noticeable wrinkles. As in “HUGE” wrinkles. Ugh. We won’t talk about the other multitude of “mistakes”, ‘K?

Is this a perfect quilt? Not even close. Am I still proud of it? You betcha! I love that I can make something like this for someone I care about, and they like the finished piece. Even if it’s not perfect.

I’ll have more goodies for you in the near future. Possibly even some rants or musings. And I have lots of fun ideas brewing in my brain. Maybe some of them will even end up here. We’ll see what the next few days bring.

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