Little Project

So, I was checking my FB feed (I know…. I know….), and I saw a plea for help from one of my favorite bloggers that she needed photos of handmade pincushions (made by her readers, of course), and she needed them TODAY!

So, I went down to my dungeon studio-to-be, dug out some thread and a needle, then came back up to my crafting space (aka the dining room table) and dug madly through several bags looking for materials. I found some felt, some vintage lace, and a lovely Victorian-styled button. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any stuffing on hand, so I ran back down to my bathroom and grabbed a handful of cotton balls.

I cut out two circles of the felt, stitched them together around the edge with a blanket stitch (leaving a small opening), then stuffed the little pincushion full of cotton balls. I finished stitching around the edge, then sewed on the lace around the edge. Finally, I added the pretty button. Here’s the result:

Handmade Pincushion
Handmade Pincushion

As I prepared to upload the images to FB, I saw her message that she had received enough pincushion photos, and replied to my comment that it was too late for me to get the photos to her. Oh, well. There goes my fifteen minutes of fame…

But not to worry, my faithful fans! You get to see the pincushion, even if the rest of the world is deprived. Enjoy!

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