Month: April 2012

April 21, 2012 / / Photoshop

Today I figured out how to make an image that looks like hair or scratches using Photoshop CS4. So, I decided to share with all my friends and fans (both of you).

First, I’m not sure if this will work in any other version of PS, so YMMV [1]. If you know of a different/better/easier way of doing this, feel free to share!

Also, I’m assuming you have some familiarity with PS. If not, no worries, this should be easy enough for you to understand, too.

April 17, 2012 / / Musings

Moving from one home to another can be a stressful time for anyone, but it can be especially stressful for creatives who work with lots of different materials, or materials that need special storage.

My family recently relocated from the West Coast to the East Coast. Unfortunately, most of my crafting supplies, tools and equipment are now in storage, waiting for me to find space and set up a work area in our new home. Due to space constraints (our new home is about 2/3 the size of our last one), my new workspace will likely be in the garage, which isn’t really suitable for storing vehicles anyway.

April 15, 2012 / / Crafting

Today’s tutorial is on how to create a button bouquet. Button bouquets have become a fun alternative to fresh flowers, both for weddings and for general decorative purposes. The benefits include the ability to mix and match specific colors and the fact that they don’t wilt. You won’t save money by making a button bouquet over a fresh flower one, but it will last much longer.

I have seen some button bouquets in a single color, a limited number of colors (generally 2 or 3), and a whole rainbow of candy colors. I have even seen several done entirely in sparkly rhinestone buttons. The beauty of this crafting technique is its versatility. You can make it as formal or casual as you like.

April 14, 2012 / / Crafting
April 8, 2012 / / Crafting
April 6, 2012 / / Musings