Another Project Idea

Back when this blog was mostly about my quilting projects, my fans (all both of you) may remember my links to one of my favorite quilting blogs, The Bitchy Stitcher. Well, if any of you followed that link at some point, you might have found her fund-raising project: a calendar of shirtless men with quilts and spicy burritos, also know as “The Quilter’s Shirtless Man and Spicy Burrito Calendar” (QSMASBC). Here is an example of the sort of image in this fab calendar:

Four Hot Brothers
Four Hot Brothers


I highly recommend that all fans of quilts, shirtless men and burritos buy a copy of this calendar when it becomes available in the fall.

Last year, Spousal Unit agreed to pose for a photo for this calendar, and he has agreed to pose again this year. So, I’m thinking of making a quilt for him, just for this project. I’m thinking something patriotic, probably red, white and blue, possibly with “wonky stars and stripes”. What I’m visualizing will look so cool! That is, it will once I find my fabrics and set up my crafting area, and get the thing cut out and stitched up. In fact, I have JUST NOW figured out how I’m going to do this. But, either I have to get Spousal Unit to set up the garage, or I will have to take over the dining room table. Again. Maybe that will work as a threat….

Anyway, I’m beginning to have too many projects bouncing around in my brain again, and I need to do something about that. Soon. Very soon. I still have that button bouquet to finish, which is a Priority One project. Doesn’t that sound official? But really, it needs to be finished within the next few weeks, so I can send it off to Nurse Daughter for her Steampunk/Dr. Who wedding reception. Not sure the family will get much in the way of hand-made presents this year, but there is still hope. And it would help to reduce my fabric stash, which is taking up a lot of space right now. So. Maybe they will, after all.

Anyway, isn’t that photo nice to look at? ::sigh::  Megan, you are so lucky to have fans that would send you such a photo…..

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