Month: July 2012

July 18, 2012 / / Crafting

So, I was checking my FB feed (I know…. I know….), and I saw a plea for help from one of my favorite bloggers that she needed photos of handmade pincushions (made by her readers, of course), and she needed them TODAY!

July 14, 2012 / / Digital Art

Welcome back, my fans!

Today, I have a special treat for both of you! I was digging through my old files, to make sure that all my “important” files are backed up properly, and I found some old-ish (last year or the year before) art that I had made. I had downloaded a wonderful program called Apophysis (only available for Windows, alas), which creates fractals. I had also found a cool tutorial on how to create a specific type of fractal called a “Grand Julian”. I think it has a fab Steampunk look to it, between the “gears” and the “flowers”. Here’s a sampling of what I made…

July 11, 2012 / / Crafting
July 10, 2012 / / Jewelry

Guys! I just found this awesome little watch, and it still works! I’ve had it a while, and “somehow” it ended up in Woman-Child’s stash, so I politely asked for it back. I’ll be fixing it up for the fabulous Dr. Who/Steampunk themed wedding bash I’ll be attending later this month. Here are some photos:

July 9, 2012 / / Crafting
July 8, 2012 / / Musings

I have decided that I need a new camera. To be precise, I need a much better camera than the one I typically use. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my little Olympus FE-340 digital. It takes “good enough” (i.e. “snapshot”) pictures, and is compact enough to take just about anywhere. I have 2 extra batteries for it, and the XD card holds about 1,000 photos at a pretty decent resolution.

July 7, 2012 / / Musings

So, it should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that we recently moved from the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-Atlantic. We had a mild winter here, but we are now getting slammed with an unbearably hot and humid summer. The high temperatures have been in the mid-to-upper 90s for the past couple of weeks. Top that off with severe thunderstorms that left about a million people without power last weekend, some of whom are still without power today, and you can see that it all adds up to a whole lot of discomfort. Luckily, we were only minimally affected by those storms, and we’ve had power and AC all week.