Day 122: Busy? You Betcha!

Oh, my goodness, what a day! Muse had me working hard today, but I have very little to show for it. Just 1 new fabric design. ::sigh::

So, the design was suggested by a former coworker, who just announced that she and her husband are expecting their first baby in October. She doesn’t yet know the baby’s gender, but she was thinking that if they have a boy, she might go with a cowboy-themed nursery. So, I made this:

Day 122: Western Themed Fabric Design
Day 122: Western Themed Fabric Design

I made it so there is a desert scene on the bottom, and a mixture of western images across the top. Too much? I could always separate the two parts into different fabric designs, which would allow for more options, I suppose. Well, I’m too wiped out to do much more tonight. Tomorrow’s another day…

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