Day 30: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Server issues prevented me from uploading this on time, but I did manage to complete it yesteray. This one has a little story, too.

I was up late 2 nights ago, and let the dogs out back for a quick potty call before going to bed. As I opened the back door, I looked up to see the moon shining brightly through the barren branches of the neighbor’s tree. I grabbed my phone (the nearest camera), and took several shots of the scene. It took me some tweaking and trial-and-error, but I managed to get this image:

Day 30: Moon
Day 30: Moon

The only thing I did to this was minor cropping, resizing and adding the tag at the bottom.

I realized that it was highly pixelated, and had all sorts of color “aberrations” throughout most of the picture (including the black areas), but I still liked it. And with all those branches crisscrossing through the luminescence of moonshine, I knew I could get an interesting kaleidoscope out of it.

Yesterday, I downloaded the images from my phone to my computer and started playing with them. I tweaked and experimented, and tried several different ideas. Here’s what I came up with for this post:

Day 30: Moonflower
Day 30: Moonflower

The middle of the flower is pretty highly detailed, considering how “black” the original image was there.

And here is a different version:

Day 30: Kaleidoscope
Day 30: Kaleidoscope

This one is a bit more traditional, but still interesting, I think. And did you notice the little insect-like goddesses around each ring? Well, they seem like goddesses to me. Maybe they’re faeries. Oh, and the praying mantises. What do you think?

Day 31’s post will feature a different image from that same few minutes of photography on my back deck.

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