Day 167: Progress

Remember yesterday, when I wrote that I had found the pieces of an old project, but it took me forever to find the instructions? Well, I finally got busy with it this afternoon. Here’s my progress so far…

Day 167: Units for blocks 1 & 2
Day 167: Units for blocks 1 & 2

These first 2 sets of units were already complete, from when I first started the quilt. It’s a good thing, too, because I messed them up, but at least now everything will be consistent!

The next 5 sets (below) took me about 3.5 hours to complete. Mainly because my little SheDog kept wanting me to stop and play with her. We were in the garage/studio with the big door open for some air, and she just loves for me to throw tennis balls around the yard so she can chase them. Unfortunately, she doesn’t always bring them back to me. So, either I go get them wherever she has dropped them (anywhere from 3-20 feet away from me), or we stop playing. Then she starts barking for me to play some more. Eventually, she settled down and curled up on a comforter I happen to have laying on my studio floor.

Anyway, back to my progress…

Day 167: Units for blocks 3 and 4
Day 167: Units for blocks 3 and 4
Day 167: Units for blocks 5, 6 and 7
Day 167: Units for blocks 5, 6 and 7

Pardon the blurry photos and nasty, stained ironing board cover.

Each block requires 4 of the above units, which are actually easier to make than they look. There are NO half-square triangles (HSTs) in this pattern, which is great, because HSTs can be a pain to piece correctly. As it was, I somehow managed to get some of my seams to line up properly, which totally surprised me!

I have 2 more sets to make, then the vertical and horizontal bars that connect the units into blocks, for a total of 9 blocks. Then there are borders, a back, the actual quilting (not really sure what I’m going to do about that, but I have some ideas), then binding and labeling. It might even be done in time for ManChild’s birthday next month! That is assuming I have enough fabric for the back, and enough batting for the quilt. We’ll see when we get that far.

I also found enough fabric in the right colors to make a birthday quilt for WomanChild. Happily, her birthday isn’t until mid-September, so I have time. Maybe.

There were also several projects that I found still in the design phase, meaning I had picked out a bunch of fabrics to decide which ones I wanted, and what I wanted to do with them. Those patterns I found yesterday and the day before will be very helpful in that department!

I also found two finished projects, and one almost-finished project, which are ready (or almost ready, as the case may be) to pack up and send to the recipients. But I’ll wait now until Christmas. Which reminds me: I need to get busy and make more gifts for Christmas! So many family members, so little time. Yes, I know it’s June. What’s your point?

In other news, I forgot to mention earlier this week that I had received a mystery package in the mail. I didn’t know the sender, but from the feel of the large envelope, I guessed it was fabric. And I was right!

Day 167: Surprise fabrics!
Day 167: Surprise fabrics!

Apparently, I answered a question months ago on the Generation Q Magazine website asking about New Year’s resolutions. At least that’s what the letter inside the envelope said. I had totally forgotten all about it, until I read the letter. Inside the envelope were the above pieces of fabric. There were two pieces of that red/ivory print in the lower right corner. And see that gray fabric at the top? That is actually an ombre, which shades from a very dark gray to a very light gray and back to dark gray across the width of the fabric. Ooo! Just noticed that it is a Robert Kaufman fabric and there’s about a yard of it. Also, that fabric in the upper right corner with the ivory background and little red print? That has little profile portraits of Queen Victoria, and the year 1837. So cute! Might make an interesting Steampunk outfit or accessory, but there isn’t very much of it…

Not sure what project this mini-stash will find its way into, but whatever it is will sure be cute! I’m thinking Valentines, with all the red and ivory. Even the gray will go well with all this. I’ll have to check my stash dressers and see if I have anything else that might work with these fabrics.

Well, it’s back to work in the morning, so I guess I’d better finish this up and get to bed.

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