2016, Year of Art: Day 84

I leveled up today! It was a beautiful day, and mostly relaxing. I’m still on vacation, so no work stress. I had an appointment with my lovely hair stylist today, so I now have newly shortened blonde hair now (well, part of it is blonde). I was able to work in a two-mile walk this evening with SpousalUnit, and I had breakfast with my lovely “sister-from-another-mister” (the older of the two). I worked on some jewelry techniques this afternoon, but alas, nothing worthy of photographing or posting came of it.

Still, I promised some handmade art for each day this week, and I managed a little doodle-thing tonight.

"Whatzis", micron on sketch paper
“Whatzis”, micron on sketch paper

I seriously have zero idea of what this was trying to be, hence the title. Ah, well.

muse Written by: