Category: Crafting

May 20, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Yesterday, I managed to write about 5500 words for my new project book. This includes an introduction, and the complete, detailed (written) instructions for one project.

May 18, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
May 17, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Today, and for the rest of the weekend, I’m working on designing a few of the pieces for my new mystery project. So, in case you don’t hear much from me, that’s why.

May 16, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

My Muse has been hard at work today. But what I really want to know is this: What is so special about the bathroom that the Muse finds it the perfect place/time to whack me on the head (repeatedly) with inspiration?

April 30, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

I cannot believe how busy my Muse has kept me the past several days! Even when a particular idea (or 3) didn’t pan out as I’d hoped, she was ready with a zillion other ideas for me to work on. I actually have a list of projects waiting for me.

April 28, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

So, for today (so far) I have even more star patterns to show off. Of course, these are just “snippets” of the full patterns, which will be available soon on

April 27, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
March 27, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

I’m not quite sure how I managed to neglect posting the past few days. All I know is I was up late every night working on that big project, and it just didn’t happen. But I do have some photos of the projects and the craftermath.

March 6, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
March 3, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity