Yesterday, I managed to write about 5500 words for my new project book. This includes an introduction, and the complete, detailed (written) instructions for one project.
Category: Crafting
I am constantly amazed at the times, places and circumstances during which my Muse decides to thwack me over the head with her inspirations.
Today, and for the rest of the weekend, I’m working on designing a few of the pieces for my new mystery project. So, in case you don’t hear much from me, that’s why.
My Muse has been hard at work today. But what I really want to know is this: What is so special about the bathroom that the Muse finds it the perfect place/time to whack me on the head (repeatedly) with inspiration?
I cannot believe how busy my Muse has kept me the past several days! Even when a particular idea (or 3) didn’t pan out as I’d hoped, she was ready with a zillion other ideas for me to work on. I actually have a list of projects waiting for me.
So, for today (so far) I have even more star patterns to show off. Of course, these are just “snippets” of the full patterns, which will be available soon on
I’m not quite sure how I managed to neglect posting the past few days. All I know is I was up late every night working on that big project, and it just didn’t happen. But I do have some photos of the projects and the craftermath.