Category: Photoshop

OK, well maybe not so easy. I had plenty of inspiration, but not much energy. Had a rough night last night, and didn’t sleep very well. Still, it’s an auspicious day, being “123”, and just over a third of the way through the year.

April 30, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

I cannot believe how busy my Muse has kept me the past several days! Even when a particular idea (or 3) didn’t pan out as I’d hoped, she was ready with a zillion other ideas for me to work on. I actually have a list of projects waiting for me.

April 29, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 26, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 25, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
April 24, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Well, normally I’d call this a “background”, but I think it’s much too… well, much to be relegated to the background, don’t you?