Tag: geek

November 17, 2013 / / computers

Thanks so much for waiting so patiently for this post! The past 2 weeks have flown by, but I do have something to show for it. Meet Leeloo!

May 25, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
October 3, 2012 / / Crafting

A dear friend brought to my attention the fact that I neglected to post any decent photos of my Steampunk outfit for the wedding I attended back in July. It’s time to remedy that situation.

August 1, 2012 / / Musings

Sorry I’ve not posted for a while. I’ve been so busy the past two weeks, trying to get ready for, then traveling to (and from) our 2nd oldest daughter’s wedding celebration in Los Angeles. Why was it called the “Geektastic Nuptial Extravaganza”? Read on to find out…