Category: Togging

February 5, 2014 / / Crafting

I managed to finish that baby quilt last night, and I must say, I think it’s really cute! Although, even I must admit that these are probably the ugliest feathers every stitched.

December 31, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Yes, OK, that WAS the last “tutorial” for the year. But I forgot to post this image I made yesterday. This was one of the easiest photo manips I’ve ever done.

December 31, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

As I promised yesterday, here’s a quick little tutorial on how to make a cool digital background for posters, notecards, paintings, or whatever you’d like. I’m going to assume you have a working knowledge (and access to) your favorite image manipulation software. If you need something free, you can download GIMP. However this is not a “how to use your software” tutorial, so you’ll need some practice with it before you start using this tut.

October 19, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Last night’s full moon offered some spectacular images. Unfortunately, I’m not in a place where I can usually see the moon as it rises, so I had to wait a few minutes, and missed its golden-orangey glow.

October 2, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Before anyone jumps on me for that headline, I realize that most federal employees are going to be seriously hurt by this nonsense. And if it goes on for very long, even we will be hurt by it. But today, I choose to embrace this time with joy and creativity, rather than fear and anger. How? I’m ignoring the news, for the most part, as well as inflammatory social media.

August 25, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
August 4, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
July 21, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity

Today’s big creative venture is figuring out my new phone. You’d think that simply changing from one Android to another wouldn’t be such a big deal…

June 24, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity
June 15, 2013 / / 2013: A Year of Creativity