Oh, my goodness, what a day! Muse had me working hard today, but I have very little to show for it. Just 1 new fabric design. ::sigh::
Category: Quilting
So, I managed to let Day 120 go by without posting about it. That does not mean that I didn’t make anything!
For the past two days, I’ve been posting my fabric patterns featuring stars. Today, it’s time for the bars. Many of the bars also have stars.
So, for today (so far) I have even more star patterns to show off. Of course, these are just “snippets” of the full patterns, which will be available soon on Spoonflower.com.
Well, maybe not a “warrior”, but I did manage to work my way through a quilt top and back for a friend’s new daughter. And “weekend quilter” just didn’t have the right alliteration.
Sadness this morning, as I finally discovered instructions to make the very quilt block I thought I had “invented”. But never fear! I have a plan cooking in the back of my brain to turn this frown upside down…
OMG! You guys! I just came up with a crazy cool idea for a fun quilt block! It should be super easy to do, too! Once I get my fabric and sewing machines back out of storage and set up, that is…
Here’s a hint: it’s based on a 9-patch block. Easy, right? (No, it’s not the pictured block. It’s gonna be way cooler than that!)
And when it’s done, I’ll post a photo and a tutorial for ya.
Back when this blog was mostly about my quilting projects, my fans (all both of you) may remember my links to one of my favorite quilting blogs, The Bitchy Stitcher. Well, if any of you followed that link at some point, you might have found her fund-raising project: a calendar of shirtless men with quilts and spicy burritos, also know as “The Quilter’s Shirtless Man and Spicy Burrito Calendar” (QSMASBC). Here is an example of the sort of image in this fab calendar: