Well, here is another quick and easy one for tonight. I have the inspiration to do more, but energy is lacking, so this is what I’ve got tonight.
Tag: photoshop
Yes, I’m a lazy quilter. I love to make quilts, but I don’t always have the time or patience to piece a bunch of tiny triangles, squares or rectangles (we won’t even talk about circles) into a quilt large enough to do anything but put in a baby’s crib, or to use as a table runner. Which is why I’m having fun designing a bunch of “mock blocks” that have the look of being pieced, without all the time and effort to piece each block.
So, I was all ready to post this yesterday, when my ISP decided to cut my bandwidth down to about 5k per minute. Again, better late than never, I suppose…
OK, well maybe not so easy. I had plenty of inspiration, but not much energy. Had a rough night last night, and didn’t sleep very well. Still, it’s an auspicious day, being “123”, and just over a third of the way through the year.
Oh, my goodness, what a day! Muse had me working hard today, but I have very little to show for it. Just 1 new fabric design. ::sigh::
So, I managed to let Day 120 go by without posting about it. That does not mean that I didn’t make anything!
I cannot believe how busy my Muse has kept me the past several days! Even when a particular idea (or 3) didn’t pan out as I’d hoped, she was ready with a zillion other ideas for me to work on. I actually have a list of projects waiting for me.
For the past two days, I’ve been posting my fabric patterns featuring stars. Today, it’s time for the bars. Many of the bars also have stars.