Tag: project

November 12, 2012 / / Crafting

I’m trying to get motivated to make some more Christmas presents, and get them finished up and ready to send out in time to arrive for the holidays. Unfortunately, this is very hard for me this year for some reason. What is this all about?

October 3, 2012 / / Crafting

A dear friend brought to my attention the fact that I neglected to post any decent photos of my Steampunk outfit for the wedding I attended back in July. It’s time to remedy that situation.

August 6, 2012 / / Crafting

OMG! You guys! I just came up with a crazy cool idea for a fun quilt block! It should be super easy to do, too! Once I get my fabric and sewing machines back out of storage and set up, that is…

Here’s a hint: it’s based on a 9-patch block. Easy, right? (No, it’s not the pictured block. It’s gonna be way cooler than that!)

And when it’s done, I’ll post a photo and a tutorial for ya.

August 5, 2012 / / Musings
July 18, 2012 / / Crafting

So, I was checking my FB feed (I know…. I know….), and I saw a plea for help from one of my favorite bloggers that she needed photos of handmade pincushions (made by her readers, of course), and she needed them TODAY!

July 11, 2012 / / Crafting
July 10, 2012 / / Jewelry

Guys! I just found this awesome little watch, and it still works! I’ve had it a while, and “somehow” it ended up in Woman-Child’s stash, so I politely asked for it back. I’ll be fixing it up for the fabulous Dr. Who/Steampunk themed wedding bash I’ll be attending later this month. Here are some photos:

July 9, 2012 / / Crafting
June 30, 2012 / / Crafting

Well, as you saw in my previous post, I finally managed to finish the Button Bouquet for the wedding. I took several photos of it, to include some detailed shots, and I figured I’d share them with you all (both). If you click on the photos, you’ll get a larger view. You knew that, right?

June 30, 2012 / / Crafting