I started the instructions for the second piece tonight. It’s a little slow going at the moment, mainly due to the fact that I have that pesky old job to go to every morning.
Tag: sewing
I had a pretty busy day at work today. Luckily, I have nearly an hour of commute time each way, and lots of time to think and plan.
Yesterday, I managed to write about 5500 words for my new project book. This includes an introduction, and the complete, detailed (written) instructions for one project.
I am constantly amazed at the times, places and circumstances during which my Muse decides to thwack me over the head with her inspirations.
Today, and for the rest of the weekend, I’m working on designing a few of the pieces for my new mystery project. So, in case you don’t hear much from me, that’s why.
My Muse has been hard at work today. But what I really want to know is this: What is so special about the bathroom that the Muse finds it the perfect place/time to whack me on the head (repeatedly) with inspiration?
Yes, I’m a lazy quilter. I love to make quilts, but I don’t always have the time or patience to piece a bunch of tiny triangles, squares or rectangles (we won’t even talk about circles) into a quilt large enough to do anything but put in a baby’s crib, or to use as a table runner. Which is why I’m having fun designing a bunch of “mock blocks” that have the look of being pieced, without all the time and effort to piece each block.
OK, well maybe not so easy. I had plenty of inspiration, but not much energy. Had a rough night last night, and didn’t sleep very well. Still, it’s an auspicious day, being “123”, and just over a third of the way through the year.
Oh, my goodness, what a day! Muse had me working hard today, but I have very little to show for it. Just 1 new fabric design. ::sigh::