Tag: project

June 30, 2012 / / Crafting
June 10, 2012 / / Musings

OK, fans (all both of you). You asked, and I provide. Photos, that is, just to show what I managed to do this weekend. Yep, I did all this in just 2 days, including going to the store at least twice to get supplies and equipment. Ready? Here we go….

June 9, 2012 / / Musings

This weekend promises to be warm (OK, hot) and sunny. So, today’s the day I start working on painting those pieces of furniture for my studio. I’m chomping at the bit to start unpacking things, and putting stuff away so I can start making stuff again.

May 28, 2012 / / Musings

Yes, there is actual progress! In my studio! And I have photos to prove it! Spousal Unit loves me so much, he kept his promise to help set up my studio space today, even though it was about 187 degrees and 318% humidity. (OK, I am exaggerating, but only a little.) So, I thought I’d post a little “In Progress” to give you an idea of what I’m working on…

May 27, 2012 / / Crafting

This is looking to be a lovely, hot, non-rainy weekend, which is really great, since it’s a 3-day weekend, and I SO want to start working on my space! No rain and warm temps should let me get started on repainting my furniture pieces for my studio. All I have to do now is decide what I want the finished pieces to look like.

May 23, 2012 / / Crafting

My, my, my! Ask for a little inspiration, and some fun and funky ideas, do a little Googling, and stand back and watch the magic happen!

May 22, 2012 / / Crafting

My Muse has been working overtime lately. Now she’s decided to give me just a hint of an idea for decorating my soon-to-be crafting studio. I have several old dressers and a small cupboard which are all mismatched and unattractive, but functional. And, since I already have them, they won’t cost me anything to use them for storage in my studio.

May 19, 2012 / / Crafting

Back when this blog was mostly about my quilting projects, my fans (all both of you) may remember my links to one of my favorite quilting blogs, The Bitchy Stitcher. Well, if any of you followed that link at some point, you might have found her fund-raising project: a calendar of shirtless men with quilts and spicy burritos, also know as “The Quilter’s Shirtless Man and Spicy Burrito Calendar” (QSMASBC). Here is an example of the sort of image in this fab calendar:

May 7, 2012 / / Crafting

Just when you think, “Yep, these are my only choices”, along comes Inspiration to bash you in the head with her little wand, and prove that, indeed, there are more choices, more options. Things you’d never thought of before, explode, fully grown, from your head, like the birth of Minerva/Athena.

April 15, 2012 / / Crafting

Today’s tutorial is on how to create a button bouquet. Button bouquets have become a fun alternative to fresh flowers, both for weddings and for general decorative purposes. The benefits include the ability to mix and match specific colors and the fact that they don’t wilt. You won’t save money by making a button bouquet over a fresh flower one, but it will last much longer.

I have seen some button bouquets in a single color, a limited number of colors (generally 2 or 3), and a whole rainbow of candy colors. I have even seen several done entirely in sparkly rhinestone buttons. The beauty of this crafting technique is its versatility. You can make it as formal or casual as you like.